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Henry's portfolio (Home)

All about me! My name is Henry Zappa and I am a freshman in Castle View High School. I am 15 years old and my birthday is on December 23rd (almost a christmas baby) I was born in Illionis and I moved to Arizona in 2 years, I then moved here. I like it here. I am a very pasionate gamer and I play percussion intruments as a hobbie. I am ok in percussion but I am good as a gamer. I have ADHD so I can't focus as well as everyone else, I also get overwhelmed very easily if there is more than 3 projects at once. Luckily, I have medication for that so I am controled. When I am older I want to get in the medical business or play music. I also like art and I am in several art classes (im not very good at art but I can believe I am) I am very frugal and watch my money carefuly and buy cheap things. I have always been interested in space and thats why my background is space.

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